Why I like TeachMeets
Ewan McIntosh is my hero! He is the inventor of TeachMeet. Yes, inventor is the right word, because TeachMeet is an ingenious invention, it's a life-changing experience. Those who have never taken part in one won't understand what I'm talking about; those who have are most probably hooked for life. The reason why TeachMeets have taken the educational world by storm is actually quite simple: They give ordinary teachers the opportunity to speak, to present, to share and to connect with other like-minded teachers. TeachMeets are organized all over he world. On Friday the world record was broken at the Sydney TeachMeet - more than 330 particpants gathered to listen to 40 speakers - Ewan McIntosh was also there - and so was I - even though my presentation was a virtual one, via Skype, I could feel the extraordinary atmosphere at the ATP Eveleigh event, which Simon Crooke described so wonderfully in his blog post 4 Pubs and a Bar: A TeachMeet Tale . On Saturday we orga...