Imaging Europe
Two and a half years ago I was invited to join a group of teachers and students from seven European countries who were about to apply for a Comenius project about movies and students and the future and Europe. Our project "Imaging Europe 2011-2013" was accepted by our national agencies, and now, two years later, we have proved that it really was an outstanding project that has left a huge mark on all the participants. It made us realize how similar yet different we are and how important it is to get to know each other in order to better understand our differences and to respect people from other cultures. The main task of the project was to create a road movie about Europe's past, present and future: as our students see it today, what it looked like to be a European from the perspective of an 18-year-old student 20 years ago and how today's young people see the Europe of the future, in 2020. We worked on the videos in our schools and then showed each othe...