Week 12: It's ..... yeeeeeaaaaah .... Halloween!!!

Needless to say, to celebrate  Halloween was one of my must-do things while in the U.S. and I was lucky to have been invited not to one, but to two parties. The first one, on October 31, was thrown by Jackie, who was so kind as to prepare all kinds of things kids usually do on Halloween, like decorating cookies or putting hands in the feel box where there were some things like eyeballs, guts and some other gross stuff.

The other party we went to tonight is I think one of the most famous Halloween parties in this part of Pennsylvania!  It is thrown every year by my mentor Dr. Kyle Peck at his home in the middle of the woods. There were about 100 people there wearing fantastic creative and original costumes, there was a band playing and we were all dancing, singing, drinking, eating, chatting, it was fun, fun, fun.

with the host, my mentor Dr. Peck
Adelina, who I thank so much for giving us a ride to the party
The Fellows with Adelina
Brinda and Yosra
Yes, I was cowgirl and was wearing a pigtail
Leila and Nick
Yes, his name is Andy

Elvis, of course

Jackie Brown and the Gill Street Band
Chatting by the bonfire